Why Kato Dental Implant Treatment is chosen
Ability to handle difficult cases
Kato Dental Clinic is one of the few zygoma implant clinics in Japan.
Use only branded implants
Uses only Nobel Biocare, Straumann and Astra Tech implants
Equipped with a dental implant operating room
Surgery is performed cleanly with venous sedation by anesthesiologist
What is oral implant treatment?
It is a method to supplement the teeth by implanting an artificial dental root of titanium (or zirconia) in the place where there is no tooth and mounting the tooth structure on it.

Oral Implant Treatment Flow of Oral Implant Treatment
- First visit
- Interview
- Request hearing
- Intraoral photography
- X-ray examination(CT)
- Treatment plan explanation
- Treatment cost estimation
- Confirmation of treatment delegation(payment)
- Start
Procedure flow
- Surgery to place an implant
- Healing period(3 to 6 months)
- Molding for tooth structures
- Bite acquisition
- Mounting the tooth structure
- Maintenance
About case

Case 1
The patient did not close the lips so she wanted the implant to clean up my teeth and chew it. Implant treatment and procera all ceramic treatment were performed. Post-treatment state. The mouth was in place and it got caught firmly. X - ray photographs were taken 10 years after surgery.

Case 2
The teeth suffered severe periodontal disease and so all the teeth should be removed and replaced implants. From the left in the photo, the initial examination, the upper jaw implant treatment after 12 years from the X - ray photograph. A total denture is attached to the lower jaw.

Case 3
Since the upper teeth were upset and coming out, the patient could not chew, so she went to the upper jaw with hope for implant replacement. Pictures are from the left to the first visit, after the completion of the maxillary implant treatment, roentgenogram. Since there is almost no bone in the portion of the back teeth of the maxillary sinuses, the zygomatic implants are applied to the left and right. Since the patient thought that treatment was impossible, she was extremely pleased.

Zygoma implants are placed in the cheekbones (zygoma) Whereas ordinary implants are placed in the alveolar bone or jawbone, the zygoma implants are installed that placed the cheekbones (zygoma). The implant center has been developing zygoma surgical instruments for improving surgical technique. We’d like to introduce some parts of them.

Zygoma Implant